SIO Logistik was established in Germany in 2013 and focuses on providing stable, fast and standardized logistics solutions in Germany and Asia. As a technology-driven cross-border logistics company, SIO Logistik took the lead in launching a self-service ordering system and has been committed to improving customer experience. SIO Logistik has grown steadily with its good reputation and is cooperating expecially closely with Deutsche Post DHL and UPS, Belgium Post, Netherlands Post, China Post, Express EMS and other logistics giants. We have multiple large-scale transshipment centers in Duesseldorf, Aachen and Frankfurt with a total area of 3,000 square meters and a daily package processing capacity over 8,000 orders. In May 2019, the Dutch subsidiary of SIO Logistik was established. The operation center is located in the Schiphol Airport Logistics Park in Amsterdam. Sio Logistik will bring stable, fast and standardized logistics experience to the customers with different logistics demands
SIO物流于2013年在德国成立,专注于为在德华人提供稳定,快捷,标准化的物流解决方案。作为技术驱动型的跨境物流公司,优拜率先推出自助式下单系统,并一直致力于提升用户体验,客服团队随时待命,SIO物流凭借良好的信誉及口碑稳健成长,与德国邮政DHL,UPS,比利时邮政,荷兰邮政,中国邮政速递EMS等物流巨头保持着稳定的合作关系,在德国杜塞尔多夫,亚琛,法兰克福拥有多个大型转运中心,总面积3000平米,日处理包裹能力8000单,为德国华人转运业之翘楚。 2019年5月,SIO物流荷兰子公司成立,操作中心位于荷兰阿姆斯特丹Schiphol机场物流园区,SIO物流将稳定,快捷,标准化的物流体验带到荷兰,为跨境电商企业,个人代购,留学生等海外华人提供最优质的服务。
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